Looking to buy a house? Need a little help with your credit and your budget? Free financial literacy classes are here. FirstLight provides you with educational courses all year in both the Las Cruces and El Paso County. Members, potential members, military, high schools and colleges can take advantage of numerous course offerings.
Register today to view our upcoming Balance Program webinars here!
Create an account with FirstLight’s BALANCE® Financial Fitness Program it's a free service to help you achieve your short-term and long-term financial goals. We offer advice from getting out of debt to planning for your retirement, and everything in between. Get access to money management and counseling six days a week for things like:
To take advantage of this important service, call 1-888-456-2227. Counselors are available Monday through Thursday 6am - 9pm (MST), Friday 6am - 6pm, and Saturday 9am - 6pm